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Here at ITC, we educate athletes on the importance of different lifestyle choices on recovery and performance. This pyramid of recovery concepts provides an overview for how we teach athletes about recovery and how significantly it can affect their performance.

Geno's Story

My son Dante has been training at In The Core since 2019 and my daughter Ava has been training there since 2023.  They are both year-round athletes that put a lot of stress demand on their bodies through their respective sports and consequently they put stress on their minds through school, sports, social life, etc.  With that said, when we found ITC we were drawn to not only the physical athletic training but also the mind/brain work and encompassing everything all into one.  Simply put, training the full body not only for competition but also the life of a teenage student-athlete and the preparation into adult hood.  There are many options in the market if you’re looking to just get bigger, faster, stronger but if you are like us, and you were looking for more than that, ITC is the place to come.
The coaching and training aspect of ITC is impeccable.  The details and focus of every session will ensure your athlete has an incredible workout that is tailored to them individually every time they visit.  The brain work and the messages they learn through the training has my kids walk out of ITC sessions a completely different person.  They are more upbeat, energetic, and motivated even though they just performed an intense work out for 45-90 minutes.
As a former athlete, it is very evident to see the physical results in their training.  As a parent, I see my children’s growth in their mindset and maturity.  I see them thinking about their futures in ways they never did before, I see their motivation in helping and be a part of the solution, and I see them wanting to serve something higher than themselves.  For me and my family, this means being a complete athlete which is what they receive from the team at ITC.
ITC has been a huge blessing for our whole family.  The lifelong friendships and relationships that we have developed and the tools that our children have received are priceless.  We are forever grateful and forever ITC!