Every athletic decision begins in the brain and travels down the spinal cord and out to the target area of the body. To perform at a high level in any sport, countless individual decisions must be made by the brain and subsequently executed within thin margins by the body. Simply put, if an athlete is able to use their whole brain to calculate possible outcomes and execute the most optimal path to success, they will perform at a higher level!
When we train you as an athlete, we give you exercises that develop these ever-adapting pathways in your nervous system, enhancing the connectedness and coordination between all parts of your brain and its paths to the rest of your body. This inside out approach to training is the foundation of In The Core. Every athlete is challenged to perform and master different skills and drills that foster this whole-brain foundation.
After every decision signal comes a neuromuscular connection (between the nervous system and the target muscle(s)). The firing of this neuromuscular connection is essential to the initiation of the action from the decision. We train this point of attack in both general, sport-specific, and multi-sport drills to bring about a greater level of power and precision execution.