
Aaron Vogel

Aaron Vogel is one of the premier sports performance coaches in the business. Having trained thousands of top-tier athletes at all the levels (grade school, middle-school, high- school, college, professional, and Olympic)—Aaron’s In-the-Core methodology has proven both ingenious and state-of- the-art. With his background in championship-level gymnastics, collegiate soccer, and tennis integrated with multiple degrees which fueled an insatiable passion for exercise science, sports medicine, and neuroscience a dynamic form of athletic performance training was born—one that is unusually responsive and effective in its whole-brain approach. But, the real secret to his In-the-Core success has been years of tailoring the ITC training to each of his individual athletes. Aaron has a conviction that every athlete he trains is wonderfully unique in their design, their talent, and their coordination. “I believe God designed the human body,” says Aaron, “And I believe He designed it to do extraordinary things!” This passion to see “extraordinary” performance come forth from his athletes is a chief ideal in his work. Happily married for three decades and the proud father of nine children, Aaron inspires his athletes on multiple fronts. Unlike many trainers who say, “Do what I say, not what I do”— Aaron, even in his fifties, trains like a young athlete, demonstrating with his own life and fitness the athletic vigor, determination, and perseverance needed for game impact and life success.”